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Avyakt Silence
Global Bhatti

Mon 16th - Wed 18th January 2023

Deepen your January Experiments in Silence 
during the three-day 2023 Global Bhatt

Monday 16th 
The Cave of Yoga


Tuesday 17th 
Become Unlimited Renunciates


Wednesday 18th 
Lost in the Intoxication of the One Beloved




The 3-day Global Bhatti timetable and further information will soon be uploaded at


We are combining with the Experiments in Silence initiative;  classes and meditations can be found on both portals.


Dadi Prakashmani’s class on the Cave of Yoga provided the inspiration for the Global Bhatti on Avyakt Silence which is attached.


We look forward to sharing this special time with you all


BK Mohini and BK Jayanti



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